"Thanksgiving Pan"
This is the Spirit Pancam "Thanksgiving" panorama, acquired on sols
318 to 325 (Nov. 24 to Dec. 2, 2004) from a position along the
flank of Husband Hill, which is the peak just left of the center of
this mosaic, just east of the West Spur of the Columbia Hills.
The panorama spans 360 degrees and consists of images obtained in
81 individual pointings and 5 Pancam filters at each pointing.
This mosaic is an approximate true color rendering generated using
the images acquired through Pancam's 750, 530, and 480 nm filters.
Spirit's tracks leading back from the West Spur region can be seen
on the right side of the panorama. Spirit is now driving up the
slope of Husband Hill, along a path about one-quarter of the way
from the left side of this mosaic..
Jim Bell
Pancam PEL
29 January 2005
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: JPL/MIPL (Bob Deen)
Calibration and color rendering: Cornell Calibration Crew and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
Full Size JPG | Full Size TIFF
Image Dimensions: 22348x3442

Thanksgiving (stereo anaglyph)
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its panoramic camera (Pancam) to record a 360-degree vista, dubbed the "Thanksgiving" panorama, from the northwestern side of "Husband Hill" in late 2004. This view is a stereo anaglyph of the Thanksgiving panorama, showing it in three dimensions to viewers using red-blue stereo glasses (red lens on the left).
The images combined into this anaglyph were taken through the Pancam's near infrared L2 and R2 filters during Spirit's 318th through 325th Martian days (Nov. 24 through Dec. 2, 2004). Geometric and brightness adjustments have been applied. The view is presented in a cylindrical-perspective projection with rover tilt removed.
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: JPL/MIPL (Bob Deen)
Full Size JPG (stereo) | Full Size TIFF (stereo)
Image Dimensions: 7498x1200
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