Lyell - Left Wing  << back to mosaics

Lyell - Left Wing

        On Sol 1386 (December 17, 2007) Opportunity continued to survey the Lyell stratigraphic layer (named for Scottish geologist Charles Lyell) inside Victoria Crater, while an in situ campaign was carried out with instruments on the rover's robotic arm. Pancam's view is toward the left "wing" (solar panel) and also includes Opportunity's low-gain antenna (LGA) and high-gain antenna (HGA). Dust accumulation on the camera's sapphire window is evident in the mosaic seams, where the less-dusty left side meets the more-dusty right side of each image. Much of this dust was deposited during a severe martian dust storm.

        Three versions are available at full resolution, an approximate true color generated using Pancam's 753 nm, 535 nm, 432 nm filters, a false color stretch, and an anaglyph to simulate the scene in 3D when viewed through red-blue glasses.

Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
July 15, 2008

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate true color
  Image size: 5527 x 3335
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: Cornell Pancam team (Jim Bell)
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
  False color
  Image size: 5527 x 3335
  Stereo Anaglyph
  Image size: 5527 x 3335
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