Home Plate Outcrop   << back to mosaics

Home Plate Outcrop

         Spirit obtained this high-resolution mosaic on Sol 1150 (March 29, 2007) using Pancam's 753 nm, 535 nm, and 432 nm filters. The view shows an area of outcrop along the Eastern edge of Home Plate. For an idea of scale, the small angular rock just right of center is about 16 cm across. Two versions are offered at full resolution: an approximate true color mosaic, and a false color stretch to bring out subtle color differences in the scene.

Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
December 10, 2007

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate True Color
  Image size: 5145 x 2702
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: Elaina McCartney, Jon Proton
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
  False Color
  Image size: 5145 x 2702
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