Mitcheltree Ridge North   << back to mosaics

Mitcheltree Ridge North

        This mosaic was acquired by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on Sols 1146 and 1147 (March 25-26, 2007). Located to the east of Home Plate, this view of the north side of Mitcheltree Ridge is about 43 degrees wide across the bottom. The south side of Mitcheltree Ridge was imaged over the previous two sols. Mitcheltree Ridge was important to scientists as they wanted to understand what relationship the ridge had to Home Plate — for example, whether it is an extension of Home Plate or an entirely different rock layer, and whether it has similar composition or morphology. Pancam's 753 nm, 535 nm, and 432 nm filters were used in this mosaic. Two versions are provided at full resolution: an approximate true color rendering, and a false color rendering which enhances the subtle color differences in the scene.


Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
February 7, 2019

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate true color
  Image size: 4538 x 2684
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU
Image mosaicking: Jon Beans Proton, Jonathan Joseph, Emily Dean
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
  False color
  Image size: 4538 x 2684
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