Ulysses At Troy   << back to mosaics

Ulysses At Troy

        This mosaic was acquired by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on Sols 2163 - 2191 (February 2 - March 2, 2010). The image shows the rover's robotic arm (Instrument Deployment Device, or IDD) deployed over disturbed soil called Ulysses. The bright soil churned up by Spirit's wheels contains hydrated sulfates - evidence of the past presence of liquid water. At the time these images were taken, Spirit was mired in this soil, making preparations for her third Martian winter. The rover did not survive the winter, and remains at this location today. This mosaic contains Spirit's last images from Mars.

        The Rock Abration Tool (RAT) appears twice because the IDD changed positions between images. The American Flag sticker is visible on the RAT, although it doesn't appear red, white, and blue because this image has been rendered in false color. The sticker is adhered to a metal plate that is made from aluminum recovered from the World Trade Center wreckage. Pancam's 753nm, 535nm, and 432nm filters were used in this mosaic.  Two versions are available below at full resolution: an approximate true color rendering, and a false color stretch to enhance the subtle color differences in the scene.


Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
December 31, 2012

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate true color
  Image size: 4290 x 2536
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/Arizona State University
Image mosaicking: Jon Beans Proton
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
  False color
  Image size: 4290 x 2536
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