1818 2418 B true Dark pit This dark patch in the terrain was spotted on the way to Resolution crater. 1821 2421 B false Resolution Resolution is a small crater roughly 6 meters in diameter. 1854 2426 B false Reyleigh Reyleigh is a small crater approximately 2 meters in diameter. 1854 2427 B true Diligence Diligence is a small crater approximately 3 meters in diameter. 1854 2428 B false Marquis Marquis is a small impact crater roughly 2 meters across. 1924 2372 B true Mykonos Mykonos is one of several areas of bedrock exposed between ripples, encountered on the way to Endeavour Crater. 1929 2373 B false Brigantine Brigantine is an outcrop of rock on which measurements were taken using the instruments mounted on the IDD (Instrument Deployment Device). 2007 2406 B true Tracks This drive back toward the meteorite Block Island took Opportunity near some of her old tracks, which are in this image. Old tracks are good for observing changes due to wind. 2008 2408 B false Tracks Opportunity didn?t have time to drive in the short-duration plan for Sol 2008, so more images were acquired of old tracks to detect any changes due to wind. 2010 2410 B false Nereus Nereus is an impact crater roughly 10 meters in diameter. 2011 2411 B true Nautilus Nautilus is an impact crater roughly 8 meters in diameter. 2015 2415 B false Gjoa Gjoa is a small crater approximately 4 meters in diameter. 2022 2419 B false Falcon Falcon is a small crater roughly 4 meters across. 2027 2421 B false Pre-drive survey Opportunity took a pre-drive survey of nearby rocks before heading to the meteorite named Shelter Island. 2029 2422 B false Survey Opportunity used the Pancam cameras to survey pebbles in the area of the meteorite named Shelter Island. 2033 2424 B false Shelter Island west These images were acquired during a circumnavigation of the meteorite named Shelter Island, to view it from several positions. This mosaic is from the west position. These images were shot ?blind? after the rover moved, and were pointed high because the rover didn?t end its drive in the expected position. This west view of Shelter Island was reshot as a single frame on Sol 2034. 2035 2426 B false Mackinac Mackinac is another meteorite discovered by Opportunity and named for an island. 2043 2431 B false Pre-drive Grand Bank 2512 2290 B false Santa Maria Crater Opportunity took a detour to Santa Maria Crater on the long trek to Endeavour Crater. Orbital images from HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) aboard MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) showed evidence of bright soil or outcrop along the southeast portion of the Santa Maria?s rim, which warranted investigation. In addition to making measurements on the bright materials, there was interest in creating stereo images of the crater structure from several vantage points. This short-baseline mosaic was acquired while Opportunity was parked with the IDD (Instrument Deployment Device) on a rock target named Luis de Torres. 2518 2378 B false Ruiz Garcia After IDD (Instrument Deployment Device) work on Luis de Torres in the bright area on the southeast corner of the rim of Santa Maria Crater, Opportunity approached a bluish rock named Ruiz Garcia just inside the rim of the crater. Santa Maria Crater was named for one of Columbus?s ships, and rocks in the region have been named either for Santa Maria crewmembers or words in the indigenous Caribbean Taino language. 2522 2380 B false Nacan at Santa Maria While analyzing the rock Ruiz Garcia just below the rim of Santa Maria Crater, Opportunity acquired some images of the near rim on Sols 2522-2525, which were stitched together into this mosaic. Nacan is an indigenous Caribbean Taino word meaning ?center?. 2529 2382 B false Rodrigo de Escobar The feature named for one of Christopher Columbus?s crewmembers, Rodrigo de Escobar, is a ray composed of ejecta blocks from Santa Maria Crater. 1282 2260 B true Dusty deck panorama After weathering an intense martian dust storm while investigating inside Victoria Crater, Opportunity pointed the Pancam cameras down toward the rover deck to allow accumulated dust on the optics to spill out. A quick survey of the deck was done at this dustiest time in the mission. Resources were tight, so this abbreviated version with 32 camera positions is a subset of the more thorough 76-position deck panorama customarily done.