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        This mosaic was acquired by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on Sol 2163 (February 2, 2010). This mosaic is of the churned-up soil in front of Spirit, as well as the Instrument Deployment Device (IDD) studying it. At this point in the mission, Spirit was stuck at Troy and preparing for the onset of Martian winter. The odd shape of the mosaic is due to the stretched perspective Pancam has looking down at the front of the rover. Pancam's 753nm, 535nm, and 432nm filters were used in this mosaic.  Two versions are available below at full resolution: an approximate true color rendering, and a false color stretch to enhance the subtle color differences in the scene.


Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
July 11, 2010

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate true color
  Image size: 3352 x 5000
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: Elaina McCartney, Jon Beans Proton, Jonathan Joseph
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
  False color
  Image size: 3352 x 5000
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