Yavapi Drive  << back to mosaics

Yavapi Drive

         This mosaic from the Opportunity rover on sol 758 (March 12, 2006) spans approximately 40 degrees. Two versions are available in full resolution: an approximate true color image, and a false color image which has been stretched to bring out the subtle color differences in the scene. Both versions were created using Pancam's 432, 535 and 753 nanometer filters.

Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
November 13, 2006

Full Resolution Images
  Approximate true color
  Image size: 2196 x 2337
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell
Image mosaicking: Cornell Pancam team
Calibration and color rendering: CCC and the Pancam team (Jim Bell)
    False color
   JPG   TIF
  Image size: 2196 x 2337
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