Cobble Look
Opportunity rover acquired this false color mosaic of bedrock and
blueberries on Sol 1931 (June 29, 2009). Opportunity, at this
point in the mission, was driving south to Endeavour Crater. Due to
intermittent high electrical currents in the right front wheel,
Opportunity often stops along its trek south, as was the case when this
mosaic was taken. The rover paused long enough to do some work
with its Instrument Deployment Device (IDD). This set of images
was designed to look for small rock cobbles amongst the bedrock; a few
can be seen scattered throughout the mosaic. The
mosaic's field of view is roughly 35 degrees across and 15 degrees high.
This mosaic was created using Pancam's
753-nm, 535-nm, and 432-nm filters. Two versions are offered here at
full resolution: an approximate true color rendering, and a
false color stretch to bring out subtle color differences in the scene.
Jim Bell
Pancam Instrument Lead
February 5, 2010 |